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RAM Accountability Committee

RAM Accountability Committee

The RAM Accountability Committee meets several times a year and serves as an advisory role to the school principal. The committee’s top goals are to:

  • Make recommendations to the principal on school priorities for spending school funds before the adoption of the budget.
  • Review and provide input on school fees.
  • Provide input annually to the school Unified Improvement Plan (UIP).
  • Meet several times a year to review and discuss implementation of the school improvement plan (UIP).
  • Assist the school personnel in increasing the level of parent engagement, especially with diverse populations.

If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact Cathy Johnson.

The committee chair is Cathy Johnson,

2024-25 RAC Meetings

3rd or 4th Monday of the Month @6pm                                                              

Contact RAC Chair-Cathy Johnson to add topics or get on our distribution list


DATE                              LOCATION                  ANTICIPATED TOPICS
September 23             HUB                              Assessment Results, Improvement Planning
October 21                   Google Meet               Budget, Class Offering Planning
November 18               HUB                              Improvement Plan Check-in
January 27                   HUB                              Budget, Class Offerings & Fees
February 24                 Google Meet               Parent, Staff, Student Surveys; Social/Emotional 
April 28                         Google Meet               Year-End Report & Feedback; Staffing update

Meeting Minutes

Contact Us

RAM Accountability Committee

Phone: 303-982-9500