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Career Planning

Green Mountain High School strives to smooth the transition from high school to rewarding careers for our students.

Career Shadow Program

A day can change your life. Students can enhance their high school education by working beside a host in the community. Visiting a host at their place of work allows students to gain first-hand knowledge about the realities of the world of work in a particular career field. With this experience, students can add to their body of knowledge as they consider post-secondary options.


Students spend the day "shadowing" a member of the working community. Students prepare for their shadow by writing a resume, researching their area of interest, and writing a reflection upon their return to school.

Student benefits

  • Find out what it's like to work with a person in their area of interest
  • Connect what they are studying in school with the realities of the workplace
  • Learn what skills and education will be necessary to enter this field
  • Learn what values and norms are expected at the workplace
  • Find if a particular career is the one for them
  • Prepare for further, more comprehensive internships

Host roles

  • Help ensure a quality workforce
  • Promote the importance of skills, talents, training and services provided by the organization and its employees
  • Encourage students to view the organization as an important part of the working community

Host information

What to expect

  • With your permission, the student will be given your email, and he/she will contact you to make an appointment.
  • Your student should make plans with you at least one week in advance.
  • The student will come with prepared informational interview questions and will have completed research regarding your career field.

Suggestions for structuring a shadow day

  • The career shadow can last as long as you can accommodate the student.
  • Make sure that it is acceptable with your colleagues to have a student shadow you.

Start with introductions and orientation

  • Tell your student about your interests, your education and the reason you chose your career field.
  • Find out your student’s educational interests and career goals.
  • Show the student what you do in a typical day.
  • Be prepared to discuss working conditions, hours, opportunities for advancement, future growth, necessary education and training, specific duties, etc.
  • Give an overview about what your business does and how it affects the community and economy.

Give a tour if possible

  • Introduce the student to people with whom you work. Ask them to explain their roles.

Help the student learn as they observe

  • If possible, let the student do some hands-on work with a computer program, a project plan, etc.
  • If appropriate, have the student observe a meeting with your colleagues.

Help the student with parts of the job that may be difficult to understand

  • You may want to give the student a worksheet or a typical activity.
  • Possibly give the student a section of a training manual or professional development information.

We hope you enjoy your day. thank you for your support of our students and our program.


Resume with Work Experience Template

Career Research

Students should do some thinking and research to answer the following questions before arranging their career shadow experience. In addition to answering each question, tell where the source of information was found. Please provide both the name and URL of any websites used.

Part 1 – Before your host is assigned

  1. What career will you be shadowing?
  2. What is the nature of the work in this occupation?
  3. What education, training and experience do I need to enter this occupation?
  4. What personal qualities, skills and abilities do I need for this occupation?
  5. What is the typical salary range for a job in this occupation?
  6. What are the employment prospects in this occupation?
  7. Where are most of the jobs in this occupation located?
  8. What are some related occupations?
  9. What personal satisfaction would I get from work in this occupation?

Part 2 – After your host is assigned

  1. What is the name of the company you will visit?
  2. What is this company’s primary function?
  3. How many employees does this company have?
  4. How many work sites does this company have?
  5. In general, who are this company’s customers?
  6. What else have you found out about this company?

Please add questions or modify questions if you think it is appropriate for your particular experience. Submit your completed Career Interest Survey along with other documents before your career shadow.

Host interview

Once students are assigned a host, use these sample questions as a guide to help in the interview process. Students can feel free to customize the questions to fit their needs. Try to make it more conversational and less fill-in-the-blank style of questioning.

Contact Us

Carolyn Pool

Phone: 303-982-9520