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Course Registration

Course registration for the 2025-26 school year will happen for current Green Mountain High School students in early February  through English classes.

If you are new to Green Mountain and have not yet enrolled your student, visit our Enrollment page first. Your child will not be able to register for classes until they are fully enrolled as a Green Mountain High School student for the 2025-26 school year.

Dunstan Middle School students who are enrolling in GMHS will register for classes in February. GMHS counselors will visit Social Studies classes on February 11th to provide registration information and will return on February 20th to facilitate class registration.

Students who have choice-enrolled or joined GMHS mid-year will register on an individual basis with their counselors. Your counselor or the registrar will reach out to you to schedule.

How to Register

Course Guides and Planning Sheets

Registering for 9th Grade

Registering for 10th Grade

Registering for 11th Grade

Registering for 12th Grade

Class Offerings