With School Finder, there are three easy ways to learn about schools:
- By name
- By proximity
- By other criteria like Dual Language, special education, gifted, Montessori, Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and more.
With EnrollJeffco, you can enroll in your neighborhood school or choice enroll at a different school that may be a better fit for your student's unique needs.
With School Insights you can view data on school culture, teacher-to-student ratios, student academic performance and information about each school.
Enroll at Green Mountain
If your family is new to Green Mountain High School, you must live within our attendance area to enroll unless you were accepted through choice enrollment.
- Parents, you need to register your student with Jeffco. All registration will begin at EnrollJeffco and will be completed by Jeffco Enrollment and Registration. This will take approximately 24 to 48 hours once all information is received. Please watch your email (including SPAM folders) to make sure there are no delays in processing, as Jeffco will send emails on any errors or missing documentation.
- Make sure you upload the following documentation in the online registration system or send it to the school office once you have started the enrollment process:
- Copy of student's birth certificate
- Proof of residence (a utility bill, contract, or lease with canceled check or official mail)
- Current immunization records
- Transcript from previous school (and withdrawal grades if moving mid-school year)
- IEP (Individual Education Plan), 504 or ALP, if applicable
We cannot finalize enrollment until all of the above documents are received. Once all information is submitted and approved by Jeffco Enrollment and Registration, we can set up a time to discuss class selection with a counselor at Green Mountain High School.
Please call 303-982-9500 with questions. Please only come to the school if you have made an appointment with us.
Enrollment for Incoming Ninth-Graders from Dunstan Middle School
If your student is currently enrolled in Dunstan and you live in the Green Mountain attendance area, the middle school will roll your student automatically to GMHS for their freshman year. But, you need to confirm your enrollment through EnrollJeffco to let us know you're planning on attending Green Mountain. Your student will receive class registration materials at the middle school in February.
For current eighth graders who live in our attendance area and are planning to attend GMHS as freshmen but are currently at a private or other school, please follow the registration steps above or call Nikole MacArthur, GMHS registrar, at 303-982-9515 for the enrollment process.
If you need to choice enroll, get more information about choice enrollment.
Why Should You Attend Green Mountain?
Learn more about what Green Mountain offers and why you should attend.
Student Registration & Fees
Find information on Green Mountain student registration and school fees.
Future Ram Showcase
Visit Green Mountain during an open house and get to know school leaders, teachers and staff.
Bus Routes
Find information on bus routes and transportation services for Green Mountain students.
Enrollment Timeline
Enrollment Timeline for the 2025-26 School Year
- December 5, 2024: Round 1 enrollment window for the 2025-26 school year opens
- January 17, 2025: Round 1 enrollment window for the 2025-26 school year closes
- January 23, 2025: Round 2 enrollment for the 2025-26 school year opens
- January 28, 2025: Lottery results sent to families