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Why Should You Attend Green Mountain?

The GM Advantage

Green Mountain High School takes great pride in offering students access to the most advanced and comprehensive academic, professional, social and athletic high school experience available in Jefferson County. This notable accomplishment is made possible through the collaborative efforts and commitments by the leadership, teachers, students, parents and community.

Academies Logo White
  • More than 90% of staff hold a master’s degree 
  • An estimated 84% of recent graduates are attending universities, state colleges or military academies.
  • We hold more than 1,000 district, state and national awards in academic, athletic and co-curricular competitions.
  • GMHS is the only high school in Jeffco with an Academy program.
  • Staff members are active in the West Chamber of Commerce, forging partnerships with business partners to facilitate internships and job shadowing for students, and partnerships with Red Rocks Community College, Colorado Christian University, University of Colorado Denver and Colorado School of Mines.
  • Higher education coursework includes Advanced Placement, honors and dual enrollment college-credit courses.