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Performing Arts

Performing Arts at Green Mountain

The GMHS Performing Arts Department is comprised of instrumental music, vocal music and theatre.

Our mission is to produce and create well-rounded performers who appreciate and articulate the value of arts education.

We believe that arts education is vital in society and that celebrating the arts through study and performance is a great way to help students grow and thrive.

Green Mountain High School performing arts students develop a strong work ethic as well as a sophisticated quality of work. Due to the nature of our performance groups, students are asked to collaborate with students of all grade levels and backgrounds. We challenge students to think creatively. We encourage risk-taking in performance and we develop teamwork and problem-solving skills that go beyond the classroom and the stage.

Music at Green Mountain

Music at Green Mountain encompasses a broad offering of experiences, including orchestra, band, choir and much more. The music disciplines are an integral part of the Arts, Humanities & Performing Arts Academy at GMHS.

Learn about Orchestra

Learn about Band

Learn about Choir

Theatre at Green Mountain

The Theatre program at Green Mountain studies the field in all its different aspects and expands creative thinking for lifelong enjoyment. It also provides opportunities for experiential learning, including stagecraft and performance, outside the classroom.

Learn about Theatre

We are a close articulation area with many great Performing Arts events amongst GMHS, Dunstan, Devinny, Foothills, Hutchinson and Rooney Ranch. To see all that is going on, please visit the GM Area Performing Arts Calendar,

Support the Performing Arts

Come to Performances!

Come support our students by attending any and all performances! 

Student Celebrations


Students are nominated by teachers, staff and students. If you'd like to nominate a performing arts student for Student of the Month, please complete the form below. Note: self-nominations are accepted.

*Only complete if you've been nominated

Shop at King Soopers

Sign up for King Soopers’ community rewards program and earn money for our programs each time you shop!

To enroll your King Soopers Loyalty Card to support the band, please go to the King Soopers membership website and sign into your existing account or create a new one. Once logged into your King Soopers account,

  • My account → Rewards → Community rewards
  • Enter the code connected to the group you'd like to support: 
    • MY769 – GMHS Band
    • GE832 – GMHS Theatre
    • HE703 – GMHS Choir
    • HW217 – GMHS Orchestra
  • Click Enroll
    Note: You can see what you’ve earned for the group each quarter here as well
  • Double check alt ID is correct: My account → My Sooper Card → View card details

Boosters Information

Boosters organizations are groups of volunteers who work to support the efforts of a specific program within a school. Each of our performing arts programs have a specific booster organization to help them with a variety of their needs – a big one being fundraising! 

Please check out the boosters pages for more information: