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Academy Program

The Academy Program is a four-year advanced learning series that is available to students at Green Mountain High School. Built upon Advance Placement (AP) standards of excellence, the Academy Program incorporates AP coursework into its curriculum allowing students to accrue AP college credits and earn endorsements in particular disciplines in addition to their high school diploma.

Academies Logo White

The Academy Program was developed to purposely restructure large high schools into smaller learning communities and create viable pathways from high school to college and onto professional careers. The academy approach has taken root in an estimated 8,000 high schools across the country. In Colorado, Green Mountain High School is one of only a few academy schools and the only academy school in Jeffco.

The Academy Program at Green Mountain High School consists of four academies, including:

  1. Arts, Humanities & Performing Arts
  2. Business & Global Studies
  3. Health & Human Services
  4. Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

Within these academies, students can select from 14 different pathways that delve deeper into specific yet complementary disciplines.

Academy students follow a curriculum that includes rigorous academic coursework as well as career-oriented courses, participation in career-based learning activities and research-oriented projects like the Senior Capstone. This academic structure provides students the opportunity to increase the depth and rigor of their education while giving them the freedom and flexibility to select which pathways they choose to experience and complete.

For more information, please read our Academy Family Guide.

Curious which pathways you are on track to complete?  Use our Pathway Assistant to enter your classes and see what Pathways you could complete!

Have questions? Reach out to one of our academy coordinators for help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

Jo Tiwari, Academy Coordinator

Becky Ketchum, Academy Coordinator