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Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Academy

The Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Academy is designed for students with a passion for applying math and science concepts to solve problems, enhance understandings and create innovative systems that explore and affect our ever-changing and demanding world. Classwork emphasizes inquiry-based strategies to enhance problem-solving, analytical thinking skills and computer applications.

Read the STEM Academy Overview


STEM Pathways

The Computer Technology Pathway prepares students for the ever-changing world of technology.

The Energy, Earth & The Environment Pathway is designed for students who are interested in natural sciences, energy production and environmental studies.

In the Engineering & Technology Pathway students incorporate various hands-on technologies and tools to advance their understanding of these disciplines.

Each pathway has the STEM Student Pathway Worksheet on the back.

Contact Us

Have questions? Reach out to one of our Academy Coordinators for help!

Jo Tiwari, Academy Coordinator

Becky Ketchum, Academy Coordinator