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Digital Learning Applications

Application Instructional Intent
Adobe Spark Video

Create videos by uploading images and/or video, adding narration and background music

Adobe Spark Post

Create graphics with text and images


Create videos with your pictures and video clips

Book Creator

Hyerdoc of logins and how-to links

Subscribe to the Book Creator YouTube Channel


Create digital graphics and infographics

Comic Creators

MakeBeliefs Comix



Digital Generators Fakebook, arcade games, magazine covers, etc.

Create presentations, websites, e-cards, blogs and photo albums

Fodey Create newspaper clippings, movie clapboard, and other fun images
Lucid Press

Design print and online visuals (infographics, brochures...)

Kanopy Free streaming

Organize and collaborate with digital sticky notes

Piktochart Create infographics, presentations, print documents
Pixlr Free online Photoshop-like editor
Popplet Create mind maps

Create slides with images, animated elements, and music


Create presentations

Schoology Mobile App

Instructions on how to get and use the app

Screencastomatic Free screen-recording tool

"Soundtrap is a digital audio workstation (DAW) accessible directly in your browser from a variety of devices, such as Windows, Mac, Chromebook, Linux, Android phones and tablets and iPads. Use Soundtrap by yourself to create your next hit or collaborate in the music making with people from all over the world."


Create presentations in a timeline format

Tagxedo Create word clouds

Create interactive timelines

Thinglink Make images interactive
Vocaroo Online voice recorder

Create speaking characters

WeVideo Create videos
Zamzar File Converter Convert files to different formats

Digital Learning Applications in Jeffco

All students and teachers have access to premium digital learning applications with their Jeffco log-in credentials. A consistent core set of applications allows for student data privacy aligned to state legislation and seamless access for personalized learning. This includes single sign-on (SSO) and integration of applications.

Digital Learning Applications Library

Tech for Ed in Jeffco

Jeffco Public School’s 1:1 program provides first- through 12th-grade students in neighborhood and option schools a district Chromebook. This creates an equitable and sustainable model for technology-enabled classrooms that prepares students to thrive in a connected, digital world in alignment with the Jeffco Thrives Strategic Plan.

All students can access a district-purchased and managed Chromebook to personalize their learning. This closes the digital device divide and addresses the inequities in classrooms to transform learning.

Students in grades K-12 can also access a variety of digital applications and consistent tools that give them opportunities to demonstrate learning in creative and challenging ways. Each of the technology tools supports students as creators, collaborators and innovative problem solvers rather than as consumers of information.

The program also allows for professional development and learning for teachers to use the provided tools and devices to transform student learning experiences. Having consistent tools and opportunities for teacher training allows for more challenging learning and student engagement and deeper technology integration. 


Students can access a Jeffco-purchased and managed Chromebook to personalize their learning.

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Tech Support

Jeffco families and students can get support for device troubleshooting, password resets, system questions and more.

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Data Privacy & Security

Jeffco has adopted safeguards for student data privacy and security.

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Digital Citizenship & Wellness

Jeffco prioritizes digital citizenship and promotes the safe, responsible use of technology.

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Contact Us

Wendee Vezzetti

Digital Teacher Librarian
Digital Teacher Librarian/DTL